Specialised Childcare Agency for All Shift workers, Doctors In Emergency Services, Aviation pilots, Travelling mums & dads and Business Professionals In Law and entertainment
Our Nanny Agency
Our bespoke nanny services were initially tailored for aviation mums & dads. But the demand from emergency doctors and travelling business professionals has become hugely apparent. With the introduction to many international parents, Flying Tots forms a welcome reception for all who wish to learn more.
- Childcare for pilots, air traffic controllers, doctors, emergency service workers & shiftwork staff
- Business travellers and law professionals
- Reliable hand-picked nannies
- Instant short-notice babysitters
- Long or short-term experienced nannies
- Professional express service
- Finding the best possible nanny to resolve your situation
- Sudden illness childcare cover
- Confident fixed childcare arrangement.
- Support for children with special needs
- Homebased nanny provision
- Understanding your needs and ad hoc cover
- Short notice childcare
- Flexible Childcare provision
- Continuity between nanny and family
Long Haul – An Extension To Childcare
Flying Tots was created exclusively to provide “reliable” and experienced nannies for airline pilots and crew. Now, the service is introduced to career professionals in medicine, law associates and business travellers.
Long-haul shifts can inevitably cause problems for career parents trying to juggle important work commitments and make arrangements for long-term childcare while trying not to disrupt their child’s life. Airline staff are committed employees who often find it stressful to locate nannies available to follow their shift work schedule during irregular periods of the working month for which they are needed.
A Long-haul shift often means that doctors and Emergency service workers spend extended periods away from home each time they are on call, which may include overnight childcare. Law associates or other business professionals travel to assignments or important meetings Worldwide for days, but we still accommodate your needs. We know and understand these challenges, so Flying Tots have designed a bespoke nanny service exclusively for you. We assist career parents by allocating a specialist nanny, mother support or babysitter who can cover your time away, providing flexibility and peace of mind.
Short Haul – Childcare for Shorter periods
An ideal service for a single parent or parents whether their business, work or personal travel takes them away from home on a short hall flight.
A short hall, pilot, or business traveller’s day can be as long as 13 hours with possibly a late finish up to 24 hours. Equally, mum or dad may undertake an 8-10 hour workload day. Flying Tots guarantees a stress-free shift before returning home to unwind and spending quality time with your child or children before retiring to bed.
With the introduction of a mother’s support or babysitter, the nanny will perform a list of childcare duties discussed and arranged before the nanny’s first day of employment. Professional, experienced Flying Tots nannies practise these childcare techniques at all times.
Flying Tots will provide you with your own assigned child carer according to the needs dictated by your short-haul schedule.
The flexibility of the nanny greatly eases the worry often associated with arranging your childcare.
Standby – Childcare at short notice
This service is intended to provide childcare support when aviation professionals are on standby and liable to be called into work at short notice.
This scenario often makes arranging childcare particularly difficult. Your childcare must be set in place in advance so that you can be readily available without complications.
· Cabin crew and pilots
· Doctors and nurses, police and firemen
· Solicitors and builders
· People in business and entertainers
These are some examples of service professionals who may need to respond to a telephone call from the workplace to perform their required duty.
Flying Tots will provide you with an available nanny, mother’s support or babysitter who is “on-call” and ready at short notice when you need to prepare for standby duty.
Emergency Childcare – Childcare at a moment’s notice
ARE YOU IN A HURRY? Flying Tots provides emergency childcare cover subject to availability. Hiring an in-flight emergency nanny at Flying Tots to cater for your needs offers a helping hand with additional support and monitoring the children at all times.
We endeavour to provide professional childcare from our experienced nannies during a long-term or short-term illness, allowing you to work or continue your daily routine.
Flying Tots knows and understands that your child’s welfare is paramount to you. Therefore, we facilitate your needs with the option of emergency cover as swiftly as possible.
· Instant short-notice childcare
· Sudden illness childcare cover
· Understanding your needs and cover
Let Flying Tots Take Care Of Your Babysitting
Flying Tots Babysitters are experienced child carers who, like our professional nannies, have dedicated time and commitment to care for your child whilst
you perform essential work duties, weddings, or corporate events. Whether for just a few hours, a whole day or even overnight, Flying Tots babysitters will remove the stress and the strain you may be experiencing, giving you comfort and peace of mind.
· Babysitters, whether nannies, mannies, mothers support or maternity nurses, are childcare-approved. (paid directly to the babysitter)
· Nannies are based on an hourly rate (paid directly).
· Available From 7 am-7 pm.
· Evening/overnight rates apply (including travel expenses)
· Early bookings for Bank holidays, Xmas & New Year’s Day.
· Emergency/standby booking
· All Flying Tots Babysitters should have at least two years of experience. Hourly rates are subject to qualification and experience.