First Advantage is a background screening company that provides various background checks, including DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. An enhanced DBS check is the most thorough level of DBS check available and is often required for positions involving work with children or vulnerable adults. Here’s what you should know about enhanced DBS checks for childcarers at Flying Tots:

Comprehensive Screening: An enhanced DBS check includes a search of an individual’s criminal record and checks against the barred lists for working with children and vulnerable adults.

Barred Lists Check: The check verifies whether the individual is on any barred lists, such as the children’s or adults’ barred lists, which would prevent them from working with specific groups.

Local Police Records: Enhanced checks may also include searching local police records. This allows for disclosing any additional information held by local police forces that may be relevant to the position.

Requirements for Certain Roles: Child carers often need enhanced DBS checks as they work directly with children and may have unsupervised access to them.

Flying tots will be responsible for initiating the DBS check on behalf of the potential employee.

Fast and Secure: Companies like First Advantage offer fast and secure services for DBS checks, ensuring employers receive the information they need in a timely manner.

Legal Requirement: For many roles involving work with children, enhanced DBS checks are a legal requirement to ensure the safety and protection of children.

Price for a full enhanced check: £65

Update Your Validity on the update service: £18

It is standard practice to check a potential candidate their validity on the update service. This practice is not only common but also a proactive step, particularly in childcare, education, and healthcare, where background checks and certifications are essential.

Validity: Enhanced DBS checks do not expire but reflect the individual’s background as of the date they were issued. Employers may choose to request updated checks periodically.

When working as a Flying Tots child carer, ensure you know the DBS check process.

Enrolling in the update service soon after your DBS checks is crucial for several reasons:

  • Keeps Information Current: Maintains up-to-date information for future employers or regulatory bodies.
  • Saves Time and Money: Reduces the need for repeated checks and costs.
  • Increases Employability: Makes you more attractive to potential employers with a quick and up-to-date DBS status.
  • Ensures Compliance: Helps meet regulatory requirements for working with children or vulnerable adults.
  • Provides Peace of Mind: Offers trust in employees’ DBS status and demonstrates suitability for roles.

Flying Tots benefits from conducting DBS checks as part of its childcare package for the following reasons:

  • Consistency and Control: Ensures all checks meet Flying Tots’ standards and provides control over the process.
  • Current Information: Guarantees up-to-date checks, even if prior checks were done elsewhere.
  • Accuracy and Verification: Allows Flying Tots to verify the background information provided.
  • Legal and Compliance: Meets specific legal and regulatory requirements for childcare providers.
  • Trust and Safety: Ensures staff meet strict safety standards, protecting children.
  • Simplified Record-Keeping: Streamlines record-keeping and checks management.
  • Reduced Liability: Demonstrates due diligence in vetting staff and reduces liability.
  • Confidence for Parents: Provides parents with confidence in thoroughly vetting childcare providers.

Flying Tots Terms & Conditions:


The DBS application is a requirement for anyone working with children through Flying Tots as part of safeguarding measures.


You, the applicant, must provide explicit consent for Flying Tots to conduct a DBS check. All types of information may be disclosed, and how the data will be used. Types of Information Disclosed: Criminal Convictions, cautions, warnings or reprimands Barred List Information: That may prevent you from working with children.

Any Pending Investigations or Charges: Information on current or pending criminal investigations or charges the applicant may face.

**An applicant may be terminated from Flying Tots due to issues with the DBS check under specific circumstances. These include being on a barred list or having convictions that legally disqualify them from working with children, severe or repeated offences suggesting a risk to children’s safety, providing false information or non-disclosure of relevant details during the application process, pending severe charges, or failing to maintain DBS certification or undergo required rechecks. Employment decisions will comply with applicable laws and regulations, and the applicant can explain any findings in their DBS check.

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